Data backup and recovery
With our data backup service, we can restore your business’ data in the event of data loss, accidents, or crypto and ransomware attacks – even back to a state several months old! This means your business-critical data is always accessible. It is even possible if you want data backed up for several years.
Data should be backed up periodically.
You can back up:
- servers and databases;
- user documents;
- virtual environments;
- emails, etc.

Is our data backup service safe?
We ensure the secure preservation and storage of your data on a private cloud – away from the location of your computer networks. Reliable and efficient Veeam software will be used to provide our backup service.
Our data backup service is based on your company’s needs and you are only charged for the data volume actually backed-up.

Backup for Microsoft 365 cloud services
Microsoft provides a great cloud service but protecting customer data remains the responsibility of the customer. Microsoft ensures a short-term (30-90 days) retrieval possibility for your deleted documents and e-mail messages, which is often insufficient.
This is also proved by the survey conducted among Microsoft 365 users, 81% of whom have experienced data loss in the Microsoft 365 environment.
- Our backup service enables you to back-up all the data stored in your Microsoft365 cloud environment or do it optionally by specific service or user.
- You can either restore all information available in your M365 environment at once or do it by individual file or e-mail message.
By backing up data, we can ensure that your data is preserved in the event of an accident or a cryptographic or ransomware attack. Business-critical data are always available for you and can be recovered.
Should you wish to retain your company’s data for several years, we can do this as well.

Why you need separate backup for Microsoft 365 cloud services
- Accidental deletion – deleting a user also deletes all data associated with them.
- Retention policy gaps
- Internal threats – malicious or unintentional deletion of information, infection with viruses, etc. by your employees.
- External threats – cryptographic viruses that cannot be handled by the short-term recovery functions provided by M365 for deleted data.
- Legal and compliance requirements – longer data retention is required.
- Managing hybrid solutions

We take the needs of your company into account
Our data backup service is based on your company’s needs and you are only charged for the data volume actually backed-up.
Nothing in this world will last for ever. Even the best and most reliable data storage can stop cooperating at some point. Add the possibility of human errors and you will clearly see the importance of data backup.
People are the most important asset of a company and you take care of your people. Your data are the next most important thing – so take care of them, too.